Example Stock Control Download

Please click the link below to download our Microsoft Access sample database that accompanies the article Creating an MS Access Stock Control Database, tutorial video, and tutorial video without background music.

You must have a full installation of Microsoft Access to view the downloaded database file.

Please be aware that this is a learning tool and can be used as a start point for your own database. It is not a working product.

We have other free downloads as well, which you can see here.

We also have other tutorial videos that you may find helpful - e.g. Contact Management (CRM) and Excel tips. You can access these from here.

We specialise in producing customised systems that exactly meet your needs, in a straightforward way. We have been doing this since 1994 and have covered many incarnations of stock control and linked elements during that time. The systems we produce are highly flexible and can evolve over time if you need them to. Our customers range from small businesses to corporate to public bodies and they are spread all around the country (and a few overseas). 

If you have a particular project in mind that you would like help with tackling, we would be delighted to speak to you. We offer a free initial consultation by telephone on 01747 822616. If you would prefer for us to call you, please reply to the email you received from us with a contact number and a preferred day/time and we will do our best to reach you.

Don't just take our word for it...

"I would like to say thanks to yourself and your team for all your hard work.
We are very happy with the quoting system; for the first time ever we are looking at a system in which we have confidence."

Steve Ringsell, CFN Packaging

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